
Showing posts from September, 2012

What Matters

Every girl wants a Prince Charming. And every guy, a Princess. Do we actually find the kind of person we're looking for? Do we end up being with them? Sometimes, you love someone for their looks. Your love towards the person is based upon fantasy and idealization, instead of experience. I'm not a believer in love at first sight. But there's nothing quite like feeling a spark of attraction between you and someone you just met. When you get to know each other, the infatuation diminishes. Sometimes, you have feelings towards a friend with whom you love to spend time. I'm of the opinion that the best relationships are ones that take place between two people that are close friends. It's easier to be with someone who already knows the true you - your likes/dislikes, mood, attitude, and what makes you tick. You're comfortable with each other and there's always something to talk about. While some friends manage to find a way of making things work romanti