
Showing posts from December, 2014

Bucket List

There are a lot of things I've always wanted to do, places I've wanted to visit, people I've wanted to meet. A few days ago, I came across someone's bucket list and it inspired me to create my own. This is a list of all the dreams I want to fulfill and life experiences I want to experience before I die; whether it's big, small or random. 1. Run my own successful business 2. Visit Paris 3. Build my dream home 4. Go on  a road trip with friends 5.  Run a marathon(at least a half!) 6. Go parasailing 7. Go scuba diving   8.  Get a tattoo 9. Fly in a helicopter 10. Donate blood 11. Be an organ donor 12. Visit New York city 13. Have a walk-in closet 14. Give up TV, mobile and internet for a day 15. Go camping 16. Learn Spanish, visit Spain 17. Sponsor a child 18. Adopt a baby girl if and when my first two kids are boys, and vice versa 19. Attend a world cup cricket match 20.  Attend a world cup football match 21. Go to a cos