
Showing posts from May, 2018

Almost There: My Pregnancy Experience

Today, I'm exactly two weeks away from  my   due date .  Two weeks!  Where did the time go? Pregnancy just  flew  by, and here I am, anxiously awaiting labour .  T he idea of giving birth terrifies me. I generally have a very low tolerance for pain and fear of the unknown is starting to get to me.   When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't too thrilled. I was about a year and a half into my marriage, and I was nowhere near ready. But then I realised that you can never be prepared for something as big as parenthood.   The first three months were awful.  Your body goes through lots of changes  –  physical and emotional. While some changes were obvious, others were unexpected and took me by surprise.   I was constantly hungry and tired. I ate like a pig all day and threw up after dinner every night. Things started getting better in the second trimester. On the downside, I put on so much weight that I couldn't fit into anything in my wardrobe. It was dep