
Showing posts from 2019

This Time Last Year: The Birth

My first thought when I woke up in the morning was, “No baby yet.” But that wasn’t unusual. I’ve had that thought every morning for weeks before my due date.  On June 12, I went into the hospital as planned to have my labour induced. I was strangely calm throughout the process. I was moved to a private room where I fell asleep to voices around me. An hour or so later, I woke up with a jerk to see water gushing out of me. My doctor did an exam and said that I needed to go into surgery immediately. The baby had pooped in the womb and was in danger of inhaling it. Shiiit! I had started to get a little anxious by then. They moved me into an operation theater and stuck a needle down my spine. I was numb from the waist down within a few seconds. They asked me if I wanted my eyes covered, I said no. My sister-in-law held my hand reassuringly. I could feel my body shaking as the doctors cut through it. It was only a couple of minutes before the little one came out with a ti