
It's a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. I've always disliked endings. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend. But endings are inevitable; leaves fall, you close the book, you say goodbye...

I've always been an outgoing person, and so I've made a lot of friends over the years. After my tenth grade I changed schools. I had no idea then that I'd lose touch with the friends back in my old school or the ones I'd just made. My first birthday after I left school, two of my friends had a bet over who would get to wish me first. As the years wore on, the phone calls became text messages and then one in many wishes on my Facebook wall. What once seemed to be the best of friendships is long gone now. Only later did I realize that growing up means growing apart. But even through the distance, there are some people with whom you feel a connection. You may hardly talk to each other or see each other but when you do, it brings you inexplicable happiness.

When in college I had four years to bond with my classmates. I was part of a pretty awesome gang and we had the time of our lives. Now that college is over and everyone is headed in different directions, the pattern is bound to repeat.

In a few days I'm going out in the real world. It's time to say goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable. I'm moving on. But just because I'm leaving, and that hurts, there are some people who are so much a part of us, they'll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground. Our North Star. And the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us… always.


  1. Hi Aishwarya - This is an excellent write up. It is a feel that everyone faces in their life and when you grow up with age you will find much more things like this wherein every friend of yours moving apart. While it is difficult to accept but that is the reality.That is how life is. But your interest on maintaining friendship would tend you to keep in touch with your closed ones wherever they are and howsoever far they are, it is just a matter of distance.

    Keep writing ... :)

  2. You welcome Aishwarya. Btw wats your profession?


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