
This Time Last Year: The Birth

My first thought when I woke up in the morning was, “No baby yet.” But that wasn’t unusual. I’ve had that thought every morning for weeks before my due date.  On June 12, I went into the hospital as planned to have my labour induced. I was strangely calm throughout the process. I was moved to a private room where I fell asleep to voices around me. An hour or so later, I woke up with a jerk to see water gushing out of me. My doctor did an exam and said that I needed to go into surgery immediately. The baby had pooped in the womb and was in danger of inhaling it. Shiiit! I had started to get a little anxious by then. They moved me into an operation theater and stuck a needle down my spine. I was numb from the waist down within a few seconds. They asked me if I wanted my eyes covered, I said no. My sister-in-law held my hand reassuringly. I could feel my body shaking as the doctors cut through it. It was only a couple of minutes before the little one came out with a ti

Almost There: My Pregnancy Experience

Today, I'm exactly two weeks away from  my   due date .  Two weeks!  Where did the time go? Pregnancy just  flew  by, and here I am, anxiously awaiting labour .  T he idea of giving birth terrifies me. I generally have a very low tolerance for pain and fear of the unknown is starting to get to me.   When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't too thrilled. I was about a year and a half into my marriage, and I was nowhere near ready. But then I realised that you can never be prepared for something as big as parenthood.   The first three months were awful.  Your body goes through lots of changes  –  physical and emotional. While some changes were obvious, others were unexpected and took me by surprise.   I was constantly hungry and tired. I ate like a pig all day and threw up after dinner every night. Things started getting better in the second trimester. On the downside, I put on so much weight that I couldn't fit into anything in my wardrobe. It was dep

Wedding Diaries: D-day

So Facebook just reminded me that it's been a year since I wrote my engagement post . Thanks for the amazing response, you guys! It has over a 1000 views and even got featured on  ðŸ˜Š I pretty much outlined all the basic stuff on how to choose your dress, jewelry, makeup artist and photographer in the previous post, so I'm just going to get down to telling my experience. Wedding shopping can be really stressful and it's not something you can do in a day or two. I had about 3 months ahead of me and it still wasn't enough time.  Planning is everything. The Sarees: I decided to go to Kanchipuram this time. Trust me when I say that you'll never find such a myriad of sarees in unique colour combinations anywhere else in the city. I spent a full 12 hours looking at sarees only to end up feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. I picked something I wasn't entirely happy with.  It gnawed at me all the way back home and I finally blurted it out to my m

Wedding Diaries: The Engagement

Hey everyone! I got engaged recently, and a lot of people have been asking me about my dress, jewelry, makeup, etc. So I thought I'd do a detailed post that might help the future brides in Chennai. The Dress: As thrilling as shopping can be, it's also a nightmare when it comes to finding your dream dress.  * M ake a list of all the stores you want to visit, and be sure to visit every one of them before deciding on a dress. Be patient. Don't settle for less.  * Don't bring along more than two or three people with you while shopping.  * Choose the dress that best suits your body type. My first dress was a simple lehenga from Rang Roop, Anna nagar. It's a relatively new store that opened up around September last year. They have an exquisite collection of lehengas, sarees and salwars. After the lehenga, I changed into a Saree from Tulsi Silks, Mylapore. It's one of the finest stores for sarees in the city. I decided to pair the saree with a co

Game of Thrones

A few weeks ago, I binge-watched all five seasons of Game of Thrones, and now I'm suffering from withdrawal. I don't think I've ever been so emotionally invested in a series since Harry Potter. I haven't really gotten around to reading A Song of Ice and Fire though. I definitely would've made time had The Winds of Winter(book 6) been out; just to know if Jon Snow comes back to life.  Back in 2013, I started watching Game of Thrones after hearing a lot of good reviews. I was also binge-watching The Mentalist at the time and I got so caught up in the Red John saga that I left GoT hanging at episode 4 of season 1.  I then watched quite a number of shows i n the next couple of years  and after their season finales this summer, I didn't have anything to look forward to. With GoT having aired its season finale and everyone going crazy over Jon Snow's death, I decided maybe it was time for me to resume the show. And yes, I knew Jon was going to die even

Bucket List

There are a lot of things I've always wanted to do, places I've wanted to visit, people I've wanted to meet. A few days ago, I came across someone's bucket list and it inspired me to create my own. This is a list of all the dreams I want to fulfill and life experiences I want to experience before I die; whether it's big, small or random. 1. Run my own successful business 2. Visit Paris 3. Build my dream home 4. Go on  a road trip with friends 5.  Run a marathon(at least a half!) 6. Go parasailing 7. Go scuba diving   8.  Get a tattoo 9. Fly in a helicopter 10. Donate blood 11. Be an organ donor 12. Visit New York city 13. Have a walk-in closet 14. Give up TV, mobile and internet for a day 15. Go camping 16. Learn Spanish, visit Spain 17. Sponsor a child 18. Adopt a baby girl if and when my first two kids are boys, and vice versa 19. Attend a world cup cricket match 20.  Attend a world cup football match 21. Go to a cos

Grown Up, But Not

One day, we wake up and realize we’re not kids anymore. Perhaps it’s after we graduate high school, or maybe it’s when we start to worry about money or death. Whenever it is, we do grow up. We’re forced to. There comes a time when we’re no longer allowed to be dependent on our parents. A time when our innocence disappears. A time when our carelessness is no longer seen as youthful and charming, but as unduly childish. We dreamed of growing up, wondering what the world looked like beyond our own home.  Yet upon growing up, we find that the reality is less lovely than we’d envisioned. We find that the only thing we really want back is our youth and innocence, and the cruel irony is that these are the very things that will never return. Here I am, thinking about how my  friends are getting married and having babies. And all I want is to sleep at my house and have my mom come in and say goodnight. Time is moving way too fast. It feels like yesterday that I graduated fro