
Showing posts from June, 2012

Why Men Love Women

This is a reply-post to " Why women love men ". So what are the reasons for men? Men love women because they still feel they are adolescents even after they grow old.  Because they walk down the street erect, always looking straight ahead, never turning round to say thanks or return the smile or compliment we make when they pass by.  Because they really take seriously everything that is happening in the private lives of celebrities.  Because they draw and paint their faces with the same concentration as Michelangelo working on his sculptures.  Because they feel compassion, and say “I love you” precisely when they are beginning to love us less, to make up for what we can feel and notice.  Because if they want to know something about their own appearance, they ask other women and don’t bother us with this type of question.  Because they do everything necessary for the house to be tidy and perfect, and never expect any recognition for the work th

Why Women Love Men

I came across this on the internet. Most of you have probably read it already but the topic was so interesting I couldn't skip sharing it. So why do we love men?   Because you always know what they think and they always mean what they say. Because they never understand us, but they never give up. Because they are like pomegranates: most of them is impossible to digest, but the seeds are delicious. Because they always eat everything on their plate, and don’t feel guilty about it. Because they elevate sports to religion. Because they do absolutely everything possible to try to hide their weaknesses. Because what they lack in talk, they tend to make up for in action. Because a four-year old girl can leave them speechless, and a 25-year old woman can reduce them to slobbering idiots .   Because they are incredibly brave in front of insects and mice. Because they take great delight in completely uninteresting matters, such as different makes of automobile


Imagine that you're standing several hundred meters above sea level, in the clouds, with a breathtaking view in front of you. The thick green forest below, the vast expanse of the sea, the waterfall deep below; it's like a heaven on earth. Will you ever be able to explain how you felt standing there, even if you write pages and pages about it? I don't think so. When you can't explain your feelings about a place, then how can you explain your feelings towards a person, a relationship?  I can say "I love you so much", but can those words actually explain what I feel for you? I can talk so much about my feelings for the other, but at the end I know no words can explain my true feelings. Feelings are very personal to anybody and can never be explained . This is what makes life so beautiful. It looks like we understood everything and suddenly we realise we don't even understand the feelings of the other person. That's why there are tears when


Have you ever felt the need to reinvent yourself, to find out who you are and who you want to be? Have you ever felt like you were good at many a thing but never too good at anything? Well, that is exactly how I've been feeling for a while now. As a kid, when someone asked me, "What do you want to be when you grow up?", I would spontaneously respond, "I want to be a doctor!". Then and now, a majority of kids' answer to that question is the same. I'm not sure whether the idea was planted in my head by my parents or if it was something I came up with on my own. Years passed; I was nearing the completion of my schooling. Having watched my brother who was studying to be a doctor, I decided it was not the right thing for me. I'm not the hard-working type. Neither am I very intelligent(my parents disagree, they say I'm just lazy). I never really had a profound fascination with the subject anyway, so it was easy for me to let go

9 Attributes

Strength/Courage - So many times, at the end of a failure or a setback or the loss of a relationship, we assume that our life has come to an end. There are no ends in life but only bends. The bends are needed for us to become what we have become. No matter how bad the situation, find in yourself the strength to face it, and move on. Positive attitude - Things may not always go your way, but that doesn't mean they will stay bad forever. Have faith. When one door closes, another opens. Put your failures behind you and look ahead. Never give up. Helpfulness - Always do for others what you can. Never hold back from lending a helping hand. You never know when you might need it in return. Sharing - Keeping things and thoughts to yourself is not healthy. Sharing brings happiness. You get what you give. Forgiveness - Everybody makes mistakes. To err is human. Remember, you don't forgive someone for his or her sake, you forgive them for your sake.  At