Why Men Love Women

This is a reply-post to "Why women love men". So what are the reasons for men?

Men love women because they still feel they are adolescents even after they grow old. 

Because they walk down the street erect, always looking straight ahead, never turning round to say thanks or return the smile or compliment we make when they pass by. 

Because they really take seriously everything that is happening in the private lives of celebrities. 

Because they draw and paint their faces with the same concentration as Michelangelo working on his sculptures. 

Because they feel compassion, and say “I love you” precisely when they are beginning to love us less, to make up for what we can feel and notice. 

Because if they want to know something about their own appearance, they ask other women and don’t bother us with this type of question. 

Because they do everything necessary for the house to be tidy and perfect, and never expect any recognition for the work they have done.

Because while our armies invade other countries, they remain firm in their private and inexplicable war to put an end to all the cockroaches in the world. 

Because they cry their eyes out when they watch a romantic movie. 

Because they are capable of going to work dressed like men, in their delicate little suits, whereas no man would ever dare go to work wearing a skirt. 

Because they always manage to find a convincing defect when we say that another woman is pretty, making us feel insecure about our taste.

Because we came from them, will go back to them, and until that happens, live in orbit around the feminine body and soul.

Our lives and our thoughts always revolve around them, their bodies and souls are ever-present in our minds. Their femininity, elegance and strength transport us to another world. A woman's laugh touches our soul as well as seeing tears of happiness or sadness in her eyes. Women are the most beautiful and sublime creations in the universe to a man, and they always will be.


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