Why Women Love Men

I came across this on the internet. Most of you have probably read it already but the topic was so interesting I couldn't skip sharing it.

So why do we love men?

Because you always know what they think and they always mean what they say.

Because they never understand us, but they never give up.

Because they are like pomegranates: most of them is impossible to digest, but the seeds are delicious.

Because they always eat everything on their plate, and don’t feel guilty about it.

Because they elevate sports to religion.

Because they do absolutely everything possible to try to hide their weaknesses.

Because what they lack in talk, they tend to make up for in action.

Because a four-year old girl can leave them speechless, and a 25-year old woman can reduce them to slobbering idiots. 

Because they are incredibly brave in front of insects and mice.

Because they take great delight in completely uninteresting matters, such as different makes of automobiles.

Because they don't care how they look, except for small, insignificant things like growing bald.

Because they have shoulders where we can rest our heads and sleep without much effort.

Because they never lie about their age, their weight, or their clothing size.

Because they really love their moms, and they remind us of our dads.

Because they never care what their horoscope, their mother-in-law, nor the neighbors say.

Because they are tender when they cry, and how seldom they do it.

Because despite everything they try to demonstrate, they can’t live without us, no matter how hard they try.

Because they have an uncanny ability to look deeply into our eyes and connect with our heart, even when we don’t want them to.

Because they make us feel feminine, because they are the mirrors that reflect our beauty, because they are the halves that make our life complete!


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