
Showing posts from 2014

Bucket List

There are a lot of things I've always wanted to do, places I've wanted to visit, people I've wanted to meet. A few days ago, I came across someone's bucket list and it inspired me to create my own. This is a list of all the dreams I want to fulfill and life experiences I want to experience before I die; whether it's big, small or random. 1. Run my own successful business 2. Visit Paris 3. Build my dream home 4. Go on  a road trip with friends 5.  Run a marathon(at least a half!) 6. Go parasailing 7. Go scuba diving   8.  Get a tattoo 9. Fly in a helicopter 10. Donate blood 11. Be an organ donor 12. Visit New York city 13. Have a walk-in closet 14. Give up TV, mobile and internet for a day 15. Go camping 16. Learn Spanish, visit Spain 17. Sponsor a child 18. Adopt a baby girl if and when my first two kids are boys, and vice versa 19. Attend a world cup cricket match 20.  Attend a world cup football match 21. Go to a cos

Grown Up, But Not

One day, we wake up and realize we’re not kids anymore. Perhaps it’s after we graduate high school, or maybe it’s when we start to worry about money or death. Whenever it is, we do grow up. We’re forced to. There comes a time when we’re no longer allowed to be dependent on our parents. A time when our innocence disappears. A time when our carelessness is no longer seen as youthful and charming, but as unduly childish. We dreamed of growing up, wondering what the world looked like beyond our own home.  Yet upon growing up, we find that the reality is less lovely than we’d envisioned. We find that the only thing we really want back is our youth and innocence, and the cruel irony is that these are the very things that will never return. Here I am, thinking about how my  friends are getting married and having babies. And all I want is to sleep at my house and have my mom come in and say goodnight. Time is moving way too fast. It feels like yesterday that I graduated fro


Reasons to watch Korean dramas: 1. The boys .   Practically every K-drama is full of beautiful things to look at; and the most beautiful thing of all is often the male lead. Have you seen most of the actors and idols out there? They'll ruin you!  2.  The romance . If K-drama were a universe, romance would be its sun; it's usually at the heart of almost every drama. K-drama love can make you swoon, make you smile or make you cry in despair. 3.  The culture . Learning the language and culture is certainly the biggest asset you can gain from watching K-dramas. After a few shows, it's impossible to avoid picking up some Korean. 4.  The emotion . No matter what a K-drama is about, its goal is to make you feel something. It draws you into the story so completely that it sometimes feels as if you’ll never recover from your emotional engagement with it. 5.  The music . K-drama soundtracks are incredibly cool and catchy. A lthough you may not understand th

Seoul Obsession

Less than a year ago, I was alien to all things Korean. "Korean what?" was my reaction the first time I heard of Korean dramas from a friend. I mean, who the heck would be interested in Korean dramas when there are so many great American shows? But the boys were cute(no, they don't all look the same and they most definitely don't look like girls!), so I decided to give it a try. And it got me hooked instantly. Watching dramas led me to watch movies and listen to their music. They’ve made me curious about a lot of stuff, and I've fallen in love with Korean culture. It's become a serious hobby and really, I think it makes me happy. Did you know that South Korean drama(or K-drama) is banned in North Korea? I came across this article the other day about North Korea allegedly executing citizens who smuggled in and watched Korean dramas. Poor North Koreans, who could blame them? K-dramas are absolutely adorable and incredibly addictive! Spread


It's been over a year since I last wrote here. I haven't really been busy or anything but I seem to have lost all enthusiasm for the world over this period of time; even the bits I usually like. Am I experiencing symptoms of depression? Or am I just bored? As much as I loved being at home, I also enjoyed being outside, taking walks, dressing up and going shopping. All I do now is spend my free time holed up in my room. Some days, I feel like the real me is back; I catch up with my friends, I go see a movie, I do something fun. Other days, I feel like nothing is going to make me happier, so what's the point?  There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. I decided to find something new to be enthusiastic about; be it work, a hobby or whatever. I thought having some goal, however arbitrary, to work towards might help. To understand how clueless I was earlier, you need to read this: Clueless