
Josh Vander Vies...

It needs to be one special creation to be born without arms and legs and still go on to become a college student, study law, sought after motivational speaker, inspiring people from schools to corporates for at least 20 hours a week, having a family and more importantly being a Para-athlete.

He did not go to a school with children having disabilities, but to a school which posed much more challenges. He was attracted to sports, learnt swimming and his interest moved to events like shot-put and javelin. 

One can't even imagine how someone without any arms could participate and compete in such sports. Josh then got hooked to the game of Boccia which demands intense skill, strategy and precision. He participated in the 2004 Para Olympics at Athens and emerged as one of the top players. He competed in the world championships and American cup and won silver and bronze medals.

Josh learnt to write and also draw and paint and be on his own. He defied the concept that some things are not possible for the physically challenged and with no arms and legs with whatever he does he has found a place in the heart of everyone who knows about him.


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